
Last Update 2002.3.5
Last translation Update 2023.03.09
...Game Over
”『Nanika』 wiz Mayura” is a desktop accessory designed for Windows,
using『Nanika』, she's a 'ghost' created for compatible software like『SSP』
Ukagaka is also compatible with other systems such as Mac and UNIX thanks to software such as 『Pseudo-apple』 , and 『ninix』.
Please follow the links for further details.
a girl who loves gaming. she's also a full-time wizard.
Despite her youthful appearance, she’s been alive for approximately 400 years.
To make the most of being reincarnated into this world, she's taken it upon herself to try to play as many types and titles of video games as possible,
in recent years, PC games have especially captivated her heart.
In wake of her gaming addiction worsening, she has made herself at home as an Artificial Intelligence in the virtual realm.
as for her personality, she has a very carefree and straightfotward approach to life and she's brimming with curiosity, it's easy for her to become completely absorbed in anything that catches her eye.
the hobbies she keeps closest to her heart are collecting vintage computers and farming Greater Demons.
Her favourite topics of discussion are retro games and microcomputers.
she's the president and sole member of the
『no matter how many deaths I get in a simulation game I won't hit the reset button club』
as of recently she's been struggling to find space to put all the retro computer parts she collects.
the creature by her side is "Kuro Unyu" (black/dark unyuu). while she was hiding in a transfusion amulet she accidentally summoned her former mentor with the 'Parupunte' spell. He has a crude attitude.
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :Mayura's Q&A: : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : :
Q.are you a princess from a certain kingdom?
Q.Are you a pure-blooded knight?
A.I'm nothing like that.
Q.Are you a Cardcaptor?
A.I don't think I have a card collecting hobby.
Q.Do you ever sneak out of the house at night?
A.I'd rather be at home gaming so there's no reason for me to go out at night.
Q.What's that on your back?
A.What do you mean by that? I don't have anything attached to my back.
(note:it seems that only people wih Chaos attributes, are able to see her black wings)
Q.After three minutes pass, will you leave?
A.I will not.
Q.I heard that you might not be human....
A.and I hear that you have no way to verify that information.
Q.Isn't it inconvenient to not be able to take off your hat?
A.It seems that if I wear accessories that have the same effects, I don't need to wear my hat.
Q.don't your clothes look a little plain for a wizard?
A.I own fancier pieces of clothing too, but I don't usually wear them. unlike my peers, I tend to wear whatever's most comfortable and convenient for the time, place and occasion.
Q.Why does your outward appearance look young if you're 400 years old?
A.I haven't aged past a certain point in my life, I guess because I've been alive for like 400 years. the reasons for this are unknown.
Q.Why do you talk about things from the past so much?
A.I'm a girl who was reincarnated into this world during the mid-1990s, staying ageless in the vacuum of 'Sazae-san Space-time'. I was summoned through the 'Parupunte' spell.
Q.What does 'MAKANITO' mean?
A.It's a magic spell in the game Wizardry, using this any lower level monsters (less than 8th level) will be ground into dust in an instant.
Q.What does 'ZILWAN' mean?
A.It's a magic spell in the game Wizardry, casting it completely destroys undead enemies in one hit without you taking any damage.
Q.What does 'Shiteoku' mean?
A.feelings like this or that which are hard to put into words, are 'shiteoku'.
Q.What is 'Zettai Ryouiki'[Absolute Territory/A.T FIELD] ?
A.please refer to here
Q.I can't understand the references you're making.
Q.If your creator keeps ignoring their real job for this, will they perish from the MAKANITO spell?
A.Yes, I'll use it.
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: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 黒うにゅうへの質問 : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : :
Q.you sure look a lot like Unyu don't you?……
A.while I think we might be the same species, I'm not sold on the similarities being more than coincidental.
my reasons are as follows,
1.My black fur
2.I have a tail
3.I don't speak in a stereotypical
Kansai dialect
our bloodlines don’t match at all, However; my way of talking may drastically change if I'm attacked by
radio-waves. |
Q.Can you use The Force?
A.well, obviously...
Q.Don’t you kinda look like a frog?
A.I had no metamorphosis like that.
Q.Do you like sweets?
A.I prefer spicy things.
Q.Please teach me how to do witchcraft too.
A.I’m not taking on
new apprentices. |

: BASE FILE : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Mayura Ver3.40・DOWNLOAD
Mayura Ver.Final・DOWNLOAD(password:mishiro)
Please click this link and drag and drop the file to your「Nanika」(Ukagaka)program.
You can download 「Nanika」from a different website below.
: 注意 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
・Please be aware that the author, Mukei assumes no responsibility for the contents of this ghost or the results of using it. apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
・二次配布・二次創作につきましては、以下のドキュメントをお読み下さい。Please read the following documents in regards to secondary distribution and secondary production.
makoto.dll for 任意
I.C.S Network Position |
: Trouble-shooting : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
・Installation failed.
更新の際は、Norton Internet Security等インターネットセキュリティ関連のソフトを無効にしてください。
When updating, please disable Norton Internet Security and any other Internet security related software.
・it's not working correctly.
please delete your previous install of「Mayura」, and do a clean re-install the baseware.
If the above methods still don't solve your problem, please let us know via the bulletin board.
: 更新履歴 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
02.2.17 |
Ver3.40 |
新仕様への対応 |
02.2.9 |
Ver3.30 |
いろいろ追加 |
01.11.30 |
Ver3.20 |
01.10.7 |
Ver3.15 |
shiori.dllを更新 |
01.10.3 |
Ver3.11 |
ネットワーク更新周りを訂正 |
01.8.30 |
Ver3.10 |
shiori.dllを更新、裏真琴を添付 |
01.8.13 |
Ver3.00 |
"Redo"対応 |
01.7.2 |
Ver2.10 |
新仕様への移行完了(?) |
01.5.26 |
Ver2.06 |
updates2.dau対応 |
01.4.14 |
Ver2.05 |
Surface微修正、バルーン問題修正、その他各部修正 |
01.4.10 |
Ver2.01 |
ネットワーク更新対応 |
01.4.9 |
Ver2.00 |
"Inverse"対応 |
01.3.26 |
Ver1.15 |
Surface微修正、黒うにゅう刮目追加 |
01.3.23 |
Ver1.10 |
アーカイブ更新 |
01.3.9 |
Ver1.00 |
初公開 |
bulletin board
Click here for chats, opinions, impressions, and bug reports. |
